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Evaluation data for Wisdom Workshop is collected after each program. Combined agreement scale averages (1-5) for all completed programs are displayed below. Click here to access a sample evaluation report.

I have clear beliefs about who I am and how I would like to live.

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I feel positive about what is to come in my future.

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I am able to identify and manage unhelpful thoughts.

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I have effective strategies I can use to improve/maintain my mental health

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Participant comment:


'I have already made several changes in my life. I feel like I am getting more out of just being alive and making the best of every moment.'



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Feedback & data
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Research basis


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Wisdom Workshop draws upon existing research to ensure its teachings are effective, and has been carefully reviewed and verified by an educational psychologist. There is a clear evidence base for the program's core content, which is largely made up of:


-Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

-Unconditional self-acceptance

-Self-determination Theory


Click here to access a full reference list.

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The content covered in Wisdom Workshop aligns with numerous General Capabilities found in the Victorian School Curriculum, including:​


-Critical and creative thinking

-Ethical capability

-Personal and social capability


Click here to access full list of curriculum links.

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