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Wisdom Workshop facilitates personal development programs for young people (aged 12–25) in educational and community settings. Through the exploration of evidence-based knowledge and skills, programs create a greater sense of purpose in participant's lives.


The primary aims of Wisdom Workshop are to help participants:


  • Establish a clear sense of self that reflects personal values

  • Develop skills to align with these values in daily life

  • Develop skills to manage difficult thoughts and emotions

  • Create meaningful personal change

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Programs typically range from 3–5 sessions, and can include any of the following:

Session 1 – Purpose


​Participants contemplate purpose in life from a range of philosophical perspectives. They clarify their personal values and consider how these relate to their own sense of purpose.

Session 4 - Acceptance


Participants learn and practise acceptance – a practical skill that involves 'making space' for 

uncomfortable thoughts and emotions, and in doing so, reducing their impact.

Session 2 – Self-worth


Participants examine personal and societal  influences on their self-worth. They consider the benefits of developing a sense of unconditional self-worth, and learn strategies to do so.

Session 5 - Change


Participants consider the habitual nature of human behaviour. They reflect on how the skills and strategies covered in this program can be used to create meaningful personal change.

Session 3 - Presence


Participants learn and practise presence – a practical skill to help align their thoughts, words and actions with their values. They consider how this skill could be used in a variety of situations.

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  • Who are the programs designed for?
    Wisdom Workshop programs target young people aged 12–25 years. Suggested participants include those who meet any of the following criteria: • Have leadership positions within their school/organisation • Have been identified as at-risk of disengaging from their education • Experience difficulty managing their personal wellbeing • Experience a percieved lack of purpose or meaning in their lives • May benefit from a unique personal development experience
  • How many young people can participate in a program?
    Ideal numbers for programs are between 10-20, although smaller/larger groups can be accomodated. It is suggested that are significantly larger than this number be split up into seperate programs.
  • How many sessions does each program contain?
    A typical programs comprised of 3-6 sessions that run between 60 and 90 minutes. The content, length and frequency of sessions can be adjusted to suit a groups specific preferences.
  • What kind of follow-up is offered at program completion?
    Participants are given access to an online portal containing readings that summarise of each of the sessions and a range of other useable resources from the program. A contact form is also provided for participants who would like to stay in touch with their presenter.
  • What are your presenter's qualifications?
    Ryan Harding is currently the presenter for all programs. He is a VIT registered teacher with over ten years of experience working in secondary and primary schools. In addition to this, Ryan is currently completing a graduate diploma in Psychological Science.
  • What is the evidence-basis for these programs?
    Wisdom Workshop is largely influenced by Acceptance and Committment Therapy (ACT) - an empirically supported framework for improving mental health and quality of life. The sessions have been carefully designed in consultation with psychologists to ensure they accurately reflect the ACT model. For more information, please visit the evidence page of this website.
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